Car Insurance
Do you need car insurance? That depends. Each state has different rules about whether you need to prove you have car insurance to drive. And even if your state doesn’t require it, you might want to get it anyway. Having car insurance means that if you crash your car or someone else crashes into you, you’ll be covered for related expenses like medical bills and repairs.
It also covers damage from things like hail storms or locusts (Okay so that last one is not common but car insurance policies generally cover all kinds of events). Regardless of what state you live in and whether or not your local laws require it, getting car insurance is a good idea. Here are some things you should know before deciding on a policy:
1) How Much Does Car Insurance Cost?
Not surprisingly, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Your car insurance rates will depend on several factors, such as your age, your driving record, the value of your car, and the coverage amount you select. Generally speaking, the older you are, the more expensive your car insurance will be. This is because the older you are, the more likely you’ll be to be involved in an accident.
Your driving record will also come into play when you’re shopping for car insurance. If you’ve had a few moving violations or accidents in the past couple of years, you can expect to pay a higher premium. The value of your car is also important because you’ll need a higher coverage amount if you drive something more expensive. Drivers who carry higher amounts of coverage will pay less than those who carry lower amounts.
2) How to Compare Car Insurance Quote
How to Compare Car Insurance Quotes
Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash
If you want to get the best deal on car insurance, you’ll need to shop around. Your state’s department of insurance will probably have a list of approved car insurance companies. You can compare quotes from these companies on websites like, or you can call them directly. When comparing quotes, make sure you’re comparing apples to apples. All of the quotes should be for the same type of coverage, same driving record, and same value car.
One thing to keep in mind is that the cheapest car insurance company probably isn’t the best one for you. It’s better to get a more expensive policy from a reliable company than to go with the least expensive option. Of course, you don’t want to overspend on car insurance, but you’re better off going with a slightly more expensive company that will provide you with excellent service, than going with the cheapest company that might not have your best interests in mind.
3) What’s Included in Standard Auto Insurance?
This will vary from policy to policy, but most standard car insurance policies will cover things like bodily injury or death to others, or damage to their property, that are a result of a car accident in which you’re involved. This coverage also extends to passengers in your car.
Other standard coverage items include:
– Medical expenses – If someone is injured in an accident that you’re involved in, your medical coverage will help pay for their medical bills.
– Property damage – If you damage someone else’s car, or you incur damage to your car, this coverage will help cover the costs associated with repairs.
– Personal injury protection (PIP) – This coverage is required in some states and pays for medical bills related to injuries sustained in an accident.
– Uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) – If you’re in an accident with someone who doesn’t have car insurance, or they have an insufficient amount, this coverage will help you cover the costs you incur.
– Collision coverage – If you damage your car in an accident, collision coverage will help pay for repairs or replacement of your car.
– Comprehensive coverage – This coverage helps pay for repairs to your car if it’s damaged by vandalism, hail, fire, flood, or other acts of nature.
4) Additional Coverage Options
While the above list covers most of the basics you’ll need, some additional coverage options are worth considering.
– Liability: If you’re involved in an accident with more than one person, you’ll need liability coverage. This will help you pay for expenses associated with an accident that you cause, up to the coverage amount.
– Roadside assistance: This coverage will help you deal with minor issues that come up with your car while you’re driving, like a flat tire, out of gas, or having a dead battery.
– Car rental: If your car is being repaired and you can’t drive, this coverage will help you get a rental car so you can keep moving.
– Uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage: If you’re in an accident with someone who doesn’t have car insurance, or they have an insufficient amount, this coverage will help you cover the costs you incur.
– Excess medical coverage: Many insurance companies will help pay for medical costs associated with an accident, but only up to a certain amount. This coverage will help pay for expenses that exceed the standard amount.
5) Are Premium Warranty and Tinting A Good Idea?
While many insurance companies will offer these coverage options, it’s not always a good idea to take them. A premium warranty will help you pay for repairs on your car, but only if you bought the coverage when you first got your policy. If you didn’t, it will cost you more money now. Tinting can help reduce the amount of glare coming in through your windows. However, it can also reduce your car’s resale value, so it’s probably worth skipping this coverage. Keep in mind that not all insurance companies offer these extra coverage options.
Also Refer :- 6 Tips on How to Save Money on Insurance
So Conclusively, Should You Get Car Insurance?
If your state requires you to have car insurance, then yes, you should get car insurance. Otherwise, you should consider whether or not getting car insurance is worth it. Getting car insurance is a smart financial decision. It helps protect you financially in case you’re in an accident.
Even if you don’t have a car, you might live in an area where hail is common and hail storms can damage your roof. Your car insurance company will help you repair your roof. You don’t have to go out and get the most expensive car insurance policy. You can find a policy that’s just right for you and your budget. Remember, the best car insurance policy is the one you can afford.